About the Author

Dzmitry Alyaksandravich Vasilyeu is a sole Author of “Dimana$U$ Prophecy”
The Author
Dzmitry Alyaksandravich Vasilyeu is a sole Author of “Dimana$U$ Prophecy” project including all of its spin-off sub-projects which are aimed at creating experimental innovations based products and providing relevant attendant services in health and entertainment sectors.

The Author’s “mission”, “vision” and "aspiration" are targeting to integrating seemingly-disparate but “still-might-be-fitting” parts of the global human society into one big-village-community of creativeness and ideation. 
By partially focusing on creating brand new equipment that’s designed to make virtual reality more functionality-oriented for self-healing “Dimana$U$ Prophecy” Project aims at popularizing Virtual-Emulated Reality technology (aka VER-Tech) as the alternative medium for home theaters.
VER-Tech has an opportunity to become the future of home cinema that not only proposes the options for entertainment but also guides every single onlooker or user to self-healing opportunities.

Since 1996 the Author has been quite frequently travelling outside of his native country of Belarus. During his numerous business trips the Author has established useful collaborative relationships with “alike-minded” people and on-the-same-frequency-sympathizers who liked his theories and ideas which forms the basis of author-developing projects.

Nowadays the Author aims at achieving his goals primarily by leveraging the power of new-approach experimental audiovisual products and relevant services, audiovisual training-based programs. The Author is extending his efforts to accomplishing his projects designed for “self-healing through self-entertaining” area of application.

the Seeker of the Truth
Crowd-Funding & Crowd-Investing Campaigns
Above all, the Author would like to achieve his life-enriching goals by being “the Seeker of the Truth” himself on his  journey of points- of-vision updating, expanding and charting ahead - not just be a business entity or organization, but be the way of “True Human Being” - as referred here as “the Author”.

In 2012 the Author had “ported” his “Dimanasus Prophecy-THE DREAMS” video-release, officially selected to be screened at New York International Independent Film and Video Festival in 2008, from the standard format to anaglyph Virtual-Emulated Reality environment that still wasn’t truly immersive but rather it’s an adaptation of an existing format for the new medium that beneficially exploits Bi-Visual Fluctuations Perception phenomena as a key-core of Audio-Visual Associative Stimulation Therapy (A-VAST).

There is a huge potential for the home-cinema industry to utilize VER-Tech capabilities to provide viewers with a truly immersive experience and interactive functionalities. So the Author is working on creating a few great examples of VER-Tech audiovisual products, which are aimed at  demonstrating the merit of this technology and to give viewers a preview of what the future of home-cinema will look and feel like.

By believing in innovation through peaceful subversion of the proverbial precepts the Author invites collaborations across borders on documentary/animation productions and ideas creation on specific and relevant social and scientific issues to enrich, enhance and ameliorate any of the versions of  “Dimana$U$ Prophecy” Project (aka Project)  and its spin-off sub-projects.

The Author enjoys innovating and experimenting through live meditation in short, organic and creative thinking way of his faith; and he keeps true & pure goals achieving duty-bound pledge by embracing all his spin-off sub-projects that form the fundamental basis of entire “Dimana$U$ Prophecy” Project.

“Dimana$U$ Prophecy” is not just a title of the Project but this is the Author’s “mission”,  “vision” and “aspiration” which are targeting to integrating “seemingly-disparate” but “still-might-be-fitting” parts of the global human society into one “big village” community of creativeness.

One of the “Dimana$U$ Prophecy” spin-off sub-projects aims at creating audiovisual electronic books (aka eBooks) in the form of mobile applications for Apple iOS and Android. Such eBooks are integrated with social media services (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and combine features of textual pages, animated graphics and video-game interactive functions which allow connecting via computer home-server on/off-line video-game web-platform and interacting with its content directly from the desktop with the application. 

 audiovisual products for crowd-funding and crowd-investing
"Dimanasus Prophecy" FILM WITH ANIMATED
At present, the Author’s and his collaborators team efforts are focused on bringing to life the “LITE-version” of the “Dimana$U$ Prophecy” spin-off sub-projects which are aimed at create audiovisual products, subject to crowd-funding and crowd-investing campaigns. The “LITE-version” project accomplishment is basically based on financial support provided by independent crowd-funders. The Author welcomes funds in the future from like-spirited business entities, institutions and organizations which might be interested in project-implementation on the mutually beneficial basis and in project productions, inner workings and servicing aspired to be low cost & global without any preconceived limits on form or length of the content that presents non-standard approach and creative spirituality at author’s work.
Subject to direct-financing and investing campaigns, both PRO- and MEGA-version of the Project are focusing on producing high-quality audiovisual products and proposing relevant attendant services online via DPP-Platform.

One of the major Author’s goals is an enabling network of socially & spiritually conscious media content and its creators. Through the VDAPRODUCTION COLLABORATORS’ presence in many countries worldwide, in particular in USA, the Author is dedicated to bring authentic and independent authors’ voices of diverse cultures to global audiences. The Author is committed to contemplate and contribute to individuals and collective spiritual needs of the time; and his focus is on the “inner & inter” cultural expression to work “collaboratively” toward “synchronicity & harmony” through all kinds of man-made divisions.

In brief, the Author, by and for global community of conscious idea-creators, culture explorers and world citizens to reflect on his intellectual property and innovations assets and personal life-experiences in contemporary world - a new experimental “self-healing trough self-entertaining” media studio focused on producing as well as promoting socially & spiritually sensitive media (films, animation cartoon, virtual reality animations, etc.) that does not merely express but pulsate to energize, enchant, enlighten, engage and expand life-enriching goals and aspects of each “global village” community member.

dynamic diversity-of-interests communities
"Dreams Inside Out" Animated Cartoon 
The Author aspires to create a dynamic “diversity-of-interests” communities with multi-nodal, self-governed operations and a co-ordinating centre; the communities that are bound by his ideas, theories, approaches and concepts that motivate all not only producing or presenting new ideas and theories but above all by promoting our collective soul's voice via the medium of innovations-based audiovisual products. It is an aspiration to co-create so called “ICON” web-platform to unite and nourish the milieu that offers opportunity to “self-healing through self-entertaining” practices addressed to the people to act their part in service to local and global society.

The Author is also proposing to take a part in launching another online web-platform that caters to upcoming and established film/animation/graphics makers, looking to reach out to wider audiences for the social mission and/or find new markets and connect with global producers. With DPP-Platform platform integrating ICON-sub-platform the Author wishes to facilitate a cross-pollination of ideas, spirit and knowledge among story-writers, content producers, professionals from social to scientific arenas and global audiences.