"Dimana$U$ Prophecy" Project (hereinafter "the Project") aims at creating author-branded experimentally-interactive Virtual Emulated Reality (VER) Multimedia Content to be delivered to the end-user via networking ecosystem operated by Local-Host DBA-Websites (note: "DBA" stands for "Digitally Branded Authorship") and managed by neuro-communication Local Server Computer Interface AI-Agent Providers allowing an authorized access to the conglomerated trusted users networks as followings -1) Extranet-Intranet Decentralized Organization of Local-Operated Network (E-IDOL.ON);2) Extranet-Intranet Relying Emulated Nodes of Intelligence Computing Optimization Network (E-IREN.ICON)3) “Dimanasus Extern Network” (Dimana$U$ExternNet: X-TernNet) local-host server network. |
VER-Technology (VER-Tech):
"Virtual Emulated Reality" + "Virtual Emulated-Reality" + "Virtually Emulated Reality" proof-of-concept technologies
VDA PRODUCTION COLLABORATORS are engaged in a process of creating experimentally-interactive VDA-Platform that is to promote VER-Tech multimedia content dedicated to the Project and presented in the form of DBA-Websites designed to ENTERTAIN and EDUCATE as well as potentially to TAKE HEALTH-ISSUE SELF-CARE.
DPP-Platform as planned is to integrate a diversity of multi-task interactive local-hosted dba-websites that deploys VPN-accessing built-in applications and computer programs stored on end-users' memory cards (microSD) with no need to be installed on end-users' mobile devices.
DPP-Platform is dedicated to streaming for promoting and distributing of any-authorship-branded multimedia content and applications orchestrated with special and specific end-user-friendly services, altogether called "DBA-Content" which is to be available on conditionally-free basis if priced in DPP-Coins associated crypto-assets or otherwise, free of charge.
DPP-Coins associated crypto-assets account is to be available for any end-user who would like -
(1) contributing to the Project or any-given linked project profiled at DPP-Platform;
(2) operating/administrating a dba-website;
(3) participating in testing of local-host mobile application prototypes and work-in-progress content (pilot/alpha testing);
X-TernNet local-host server network is not open for the public just yet and the authorized access to early-stage-development alpha-testing products and services may be provided to project-associated third-parties including registered affiliates and authorized representatives as well as project-associated groups and communities of subsidiaries.
Immersive & Interactive Low-Cost Home-Cinema Entertainment
Virtually emulated reality end-user’s components |
Featuring Author-branded
Multimedia Content
Designed to be screened at mobile gadgets and watched with a usage of
the experimentally-interactive multimedia content in the form of animation basically allows experiencing self-immersion and enjoying health-care interactive features by using functions based on exploiting
The basic interactive functionality of audiovisual products allows self-creating of avatar-character of user's personal photo-associated personage performing embedded-playing-role as a dynamic character in background animation 3D-parallax-motion scenes.
Brain-Harmonization Frequency-Based NeuroTechnology |
Virtual Emulated-Reality interactive animations may be considered the audiovisual stimulation that might be slightly compared with “Autonomous sensory meridian response” (ASMR) characterized by
experiencing of "low-grade
euphoria" feeling or distinct static-like or tingling
sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the
back of the neck and upper spine.
Currently, the Author anticipates trends of creating audiovisual products which are based on employing 3D-parallax-motion visual effects with applying conceptually new 3D-graphical environment augmentation of specifically designed graphics (Pseudo-Augmented Reality Technology: “PAR-Tech”) to be screened on mobile phone with a usage of Ver-QAG observing device and be interactively-accessible with local-hosted mobile application allowing, in general -
1) generating brain-waves desired patterns;
2) sensory special sound-effects:
3) user’s interactive and digitally-manipulable music-visualization effects.
Please, be aware that some websites fraudulently exploit the Author’s name of “Dzmitry Alyaksandravich Vasilyeu” and the tile of his project, either "Dimanasus Prophecy" or “Dimana$U$ Prophecy”. To be affiliated with the Author-name and the title of his project including its spin-off sub-projects it is obligatory to have Author’s given and signed written permission.
The Author has no involvement into fraud-websites which have been reported as an attack websites and which must be blocked based on the security preferences on your computer system. Please, take in consideration that attack websites are compromising the reputation of the Author and internationally distributing harmful software, trying to install programs that steal private information, use the computer to attack others, or damage your computer system; thus get out of attack websites and do not click on their links.